REAL NAME: Laura Tedesco
OCCUPATION: Research Manager
Describe your personal style.
Erm…slightly girlie, slightly quirky. Occasional indie girl, preppy and 50s undertones, with maybe a pinch of Japanese cuteness.
Name your muses. Where (or who) does your style inspiration come from?
Japan definitely made me more bold and creative in my style choices. I had never considered bloomer style “dress” shorts or owned so many different types of socks before I moved there. Embarrassingly, I also love a lot of the clothes on Gossip Girl and have definitely come up with a few outfits inspired by that show.
What influences you in your fashion choices?
I am a complete sucker for bright colours and pretty patterns. And fabrics that feel nice. I’m also trying to break my “it’s cheap, you might as well buy it” mentality and invest in fewer, more expensive things. I’m still not sure why I fall in love with certain clothes though. Once I went shopping whilst hideously hungover and realised that the only thing that would make me feel better was to buy a tee shirt with a penguin and bright green, red and orange designs on it (see above). It worked.
Are there any time periods/decades that influence your style?
Probably the 50s. I love those full skirts, scarves and huge sunglasses. I like that the look is feminine but classy. I’ve also always wanted to wear a can can/saloon girl fancy dress outfit at least once in my life. Those outfits are so decadent and beautiful.
Has there ever been a constant in your style life?
I’ve been wearing bold flower prints for the last ten or so years and am yet to get sick of them.
How old were you ten years ago? How did you dress then?
I was 14 and lived in baggy sweatshirts and jeans. I was a real tomboy, but also disturbed my friends with my penchant for orange and pink together on clothing. My mum despaired as was always trying to get me to buy tube tops and miniskirts.
Can you name the time in your life where you felt that you came into your personal style?
Probably 16. I could finally ditch my brown and yellow polyester school uniform and wear my own clothes to school. It had to be “office appropriate”, but I always had a lot of fun seeing how far I could bend the rules…
What stores do you frequent?
I like Yumi and Uttam for cute casual Japan type fashion. Topshop London never lets me down either. Jones and Rocketdog are my favourites for shoes and Oxfam (charity shop) Books for, well books.
Name one item you own that embodies your personal style.
My red and white flower print sundress from Zara or my orange wool coat from Hobbs (see above)
What one accessory/piece of clothing are you craving right now?
I really want a fascinator but I need somewhere to wear it first. I’m also trying to cut down my shopping to save money, so I’m craving pretty much everything to be honest.
What are your current obsessions (fashion-related or otherwise)?
Markets (specifically Portobello and Greenwich in London). I bought a gorgeous bright blue leather obi style waist belt from Greenwich recently, and Portobello is chock a block with antiques, boutiques and quirky clothes and jewellery. Also pastries, reading vaguely feminist novels, planning my wedding, floaty summer dresses, Coast (clothes shop) and cream cheese.
Please name your top (in no particular order):
Lady Oracle by Atwood, Shame by Rushdie, Kitchen by Yoshimoto, His Dark Materials by Pullman, Jack Maggs by Carey…I am such a book geek that I could go on and on, but I’ll cap myself at five.
The Princess Bride, Grosse Point Blank, The Little Mermaid and Moulin Rouge.
At the moment James, The Postal Service, Idlewild, The Cure, Lily Allen, Ladyhawke…
I like Matisse, but can’t think of any others off the top of my head. I enjoy going to galleries, but always forget the names of the artists I like afterwards.
Julian Macdonald and Vivienne Westwood…though I can’t afford either. Oh actually I do have a Vivienne Westwood hanky purchased in Japan!
What style advice do you offer to the masses?
Wear things that will make you smile.